
You’re invited to an information session on the State Libraries and Artificial Intelligence (SLAAIT) project:

January 16, 2024, 12-1 Eastern Time

Link: [contact David Lankes at

Project Information:

SLAAIT looks at leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) in state library agencies. This initiative, supported by state library agencies through CIRCL ( ) focuses on AI’s role in enhancing library services, workforce development, and advancing the strategic missions of participating state library agencies.

Join us to discuss our project goals, participation, and means to explore AI’s potential in agencies. Your participation will help shape how libraries can lead in this AI-driven era.

Participating state library agencies to date:

  • Texas State Libraries and Archive Commission
  • Georgia Public Library Service
  • State Library of Iowa
  • New Jersey State Library
  • Colorado State Library
  • Washington State Library
  • Hawaii State Public Library System
  • Delaware Division of Libraries
  • New York State Library
  • State Library of North Carolina
  • Arizona State Library

For more details, please review the attached prospectus. We look forward to your valuable input.