Prompting McLuhan (Libraries in Response)

If the medium is the message and AI is a medium, what’s the message? Seeking insights through historic lens of media guru, Marshall McLuhan. It seems the famous media guru gets resurrected with each new confounding media arrival. First with understanding...

Our AI Futures (Libraries in Response)

This lively conversation shifts focus from wondering what AI means or might do to society and humanity toward proposing positive actions to leverage this technology. Speakers• Lilian P. Coral, V.P. New America’s Technology and Democracy programs, Head of the Open...

Upcoming SLAAIT Content

With SLAAIT work now kicking into gear, we’re excited to announce a wave of new content coming in May! Headlining this wave of new content will be our Real Voices series – interviews with real people, where we explore the impact that AI technology has on their work....

SLAAIT in Brief: AI Policy at the State Level

By Riley Lankes SLAAIT Policy Researcher Introduction As governments worldwide have begun to grapple with the emergence of AI, the lion’s share of media attention has focused on high-level legislative efforts. Projects such as the European Union’s historic Artificial...

SLAAIT Convening 1.0

On Wednesday, March 20th, the SLAAIT team met with their state library colleagues to further discuss the impact of AI on information discovery, communication, media production, and learning. They also outlined the next steps and structure for the project. Please find...