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Libraries and AI: Principles, Practices and Plans (Libraries in Response)

Recorded March 7, 2024

AI Technology keeps changing at unprecedented speed. Predictions of boon and doom abound. Is it all hype? Will it change humanity? Does it constitute a new crisis for civilization? How will it affect libraries and their communities?

Two leading library system and AI practitioners will share their stories of how AI is helping fulfill their missions. What principles guide their use of AI? What practical applications have proven useful and valuable? What plans are they making going forward! We’ll also hear the results of a new study, “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence: A New Age of Enlightenment? A New Threat to Humanity?


  • Fiona O’Conner, Senior Services Specialist in Digital Literacy Initiatives, Toronto Public Library
  • Justin Bumbico, Director of Information Technology at Columbus Metropolitan Library
  • Lee Rainie, Director, Imagining the Digital Future Center, Elon University (formerly of Pew Research Center)

Libraries in Response is a webinar series that launched in March 2020, exploring how libraries address various crises, including health, social, economic, political, and climate challenges. Find more videos on the Libraries in Response YouTube channel.