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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

1. What is AI?

Defining AI

Engineered or machine-based system that can, for a given set of objectives, generate outputs such as predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. AI systems are designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy.

Levels of AI

  • Level 1 – Rule-Based Systems
    • These are basic AI systems that follow predefined rules and logic. They can perform specific tasks where the rules are clearly defined, like simple chatbots or basic decision-making algorithms.
  • Level 2 – Machine Learning
    • These AI systems learn from data. They are not just following predefined rules but can adapt based on the data they are trained on. Includes recommendation systems, more advanced chatbots, and image recognition software.
  • Level 3 – Advanced Machine Learning
    • This involves more complex algorithms, such as deep learning, that can handle tasks like natural language processing, complex image and speech recognition, and predictive analytics.
  • Level 4 – Autonomy
    • AI at this level can make decisions and perform tasks with a high degree of autonomy. This is where you find self-driving cars, autonomous drones, and advanced robotics.
  • Level 5 – Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
    • This is a theoretical level where AI would have cognitive abilities comparable to humans, capable of understanding and learning any intellectual task that a human being can.
  • Level 6 – Superintelligence
    • Beyond AGI, this is a hypothetical scenario where AI surpasses human intelligence in all aspects – problem-solving, creativity, and even social intelligence

2. Types of AI

Machine Learning

  • Machine learning is a programing technique.
  • Uses data to train a model.
  • Once trained, the model can make predictions about new data.

Generative AI

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